Zoll Remede System for Central/Cheyne Stokes
I'm trying to help my brother-in-law who's wife has Cheyne Stokes breathing due to heart failure. Since her EF is less than 45 an ASV is not indicated. He asked me about the "Remede System by Zoll." I'm trying to help them. My understanding is this is an implantable device that places wires in the venous system near the phrenic nerve. When it senses a loss of signal in the phrenic nerve it stimulates the nerve resulting in diaphragm contraction and a breath taken. Sounds good although its an invasive way of dealing with the dilemma. I poked around the web to see what I could learn and everything I pulled up qualified as marketing of one sort or other with the vast majority sourced by Zoll. I'm looking for some information that is a little less biased. For example:
* How well does this system work?
* What are the risks and side effects?
* Are there any other ways of dealing with CSA and Cheyne Stokes, aside from ASV that should first be looked at?
* Are patients having success with this?
* Is it well fielded?
I figured someone here would know more about this than I do. I hope someone can help.
RE: Zoll Remede System for Central/Cheyne Stokes
By clicking on the "Search" tab at the very top of the page, and typing in, "phrenic nerve stimulator" I got 6 hits (6 unbiased threads). You can look at these if you want to.
It seems like from all the threads and posts that I have personally read here at ApneaBoard, using pap therapy is more helpful than harmful when dealing with heart failure. I have read posts where members LVEF actually increased by using pap (most used the more advanced machines). I am not a Dr. though. Your brother-in-law's wife should definitely consult with her Dr.'s on this.
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RE: Zoll Remede System for Central/Cheyne Stokes
Thanks Jay51. I reviewed all of those post and found it to be worthwhile, although it seems there are still not any users of these phrenic stimulators who have reported back with their experiences. Maybe Motorheadrulz in post 10 here
https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread...stimulator will follow up soon with his experiences.
In the meantime I'd like to see what others have to say about these phrenic stimulators. Thanks!