To that end I purchased a PR System One Auto and set it for Auto-trial for the first night. 4-16mmH2O. Now I'm sifting through the data and trying to figure out how best to set the pressure, so as to provide both apnea relief and diagnostic utility. Some help would be appreciated for a noob like me. Unfortunately, the botched polysomnography report doesn't show anything that resembles pressure.
Some notes about night 1:
1. I set Auto Trial with A-Flex 3.
2. I woke up in the middle of the night and found the pressure too high for me to exhale comfortably. So i switched the machine off and on again only to run into the same problem after a while. So i shut it off for the night.
3. According to sleepyhead, the max pressure reached was 14.80.
4. According to sleepyhead, 90% pressure was 11.90.
5. AHI was 10.96, OI=3.87, HI=4.51, CAI=2.58, RERAI=3.55
So can anyone offer some insight on what pressure to set? Looking at the stats, something like 9-14? Again, the aim is to manage the apnea while also collecting enough compelling data for the doctor.
Here is a zip of the entire SD Card: (Size: 45.75 KB / Downloads: 41) . Hope I'm not breaking any rules.