Should the CPAP be held high or low?
Buongiorno a tutti del forum, sto utilizzando CPAP da poco tempo, seguendo il forum ho imparato alcune cose ma ho una domanda per la quale non sono riuscito a trovare nulla. Prima di acquistare il ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet for Her ho contattato due venditori, uno mi ha detto che il CPAP deve essere posizionato più in basso rispetto al viso, mentre l'altro venditore mi ha detto che il CPAP può essere posizionato più in basso o più in alto senza alcun problema, chi è Giusto?
Ho tradotto questo testo dall'italiano all'inglese con Google, spero che sia comprensibile.
Grazie in anticipo.
*** Moderator Note: Google Translation ***
Quote:Good morning everyone on the forum, I have been using CPAP for a short time, following the forum I have learned some things but I have a question for which I have not been able to find anything. Before purchasing the ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet for Her I contacted two sellers, one told me that the CPAP must be placed lower than the face, while the other seller told me that the CPAP can be placed lower or higher without any problem, who is Right?
I translated this text from Italian to English with Google, I hope it is understandable.
Thanks in advance.
As per Rule #4 - All posts must be made in the English language. Please use a translation service, like Google Translate.
RE: Should the CPAP be held high or low?
Administrator Note: For some reason, your translated message did not come through, so I translated for you. Try Google translate or similiar next time.
The Cpap should never be placed above your head, preferably even with or slightly below. It's the Hose that's important.
The Hose should be angled upward from the Cpap and then down to you. This way, any moisture will drip back down into the humidifier.
Many here use some sort of hose hanging system to keep it angled properly.
RE: Should the CPAP be held high or low?
Hi OpalRose,
I probably made a mistake, I translated the text but I probably published the original, I'll try to be more careful in the future.
Your detailed answer to my question is very exhaustive, you removed the doubt I had, furthermore you also explained to me how the tube should be held. Thank you very much and greetings to the whole forum.