Was curious as to what are some things other users do when using their CPAP whilst having a sinus infection?
Personally, its very hard for me to use. I use nasal pillows and my nose will get congested regardless because of laying down, I have not tried super high humidity and heat temperature settings but I have changed them some to no avail. Don't get me started with full face masks, the medium Resmed full facemask I have is such a pain to mitigate leaks especially when my mouth opens because of the congestion compromising the seal right under the lip. I sleep on my back often turning side to side and sometimes the seal becomes compromised as such and the leaks wake me up. On top, of still receiving dry mouth still because I have mouth breathe because of congestion, on top of blowfish cheeks.
As far as treating congestion, its only alleviated to a point, not 100% only maybe 60-70%. I use nasal rinses, flonase, prescription sinus medication (Alahist for the curious), etc. If I use something like affrin, my nasal passages become so dry the pressure of the air from the CPAP hurts.