Would appreciate someone who knows a lot more about this than I taking a look at the last 2 nights' OSCAR charts to see if there are any obvious things I can change to reduce leaks and maybe lower AHIs. My doctor has made no comments at all since I started, and my DME supplier this time was a pump-and-dump who gave me several masks to try. None of them worked at all, for several reasons. I've tried multiple masks and chinstraps, but have always reverted to a simple P10 mask (given to me at first titration) until recently, when chinstraps itched and kept me awake, and don't keep my mouth closed anyway. I switched to an N30 (given to me at last titration) and will soon try a P30. I've always been a side sleeper and a mouth breather, but can use the tongue trick easily as long as I'm awake, but sometimes I'm pretty sure I revert to mouth-breathing when sound asleep. There seems to be a pattern of a period of no leaks, I get up to pee, put the mask back on, and the next period may be leaky (or not). Lately when I remove the mask in the morning, it is noticeably more difficult to breathe. Last night, I slept with a cervical collar on, suggested by Dormeo in the referenced thread.
Background: Was put on CPAP following Dx of apnea found during telemetry collected following triple bypass in December 2017. Switched to BiPAP folllowing Dx of ALS 1/24/20; CPAP history:
First Last Days AHI FL Machine Pressure Relief Mode Pressure Settings
03/18/20 03/22/20 5 6.91 0 Auto BiPAP (700X110) None Fixed Bi-Level EPAP 8.0 IPAP 13.0 (cmH2O)
03/11/20 03/17/20 7 2.29 0 Auto BiPAP (700X110) None Fixed Bi-Level EPAP 8.0 IPAP 12.0 (cmH2O)
03/04/20 03/10/20 7 2.18 0 Auto BiPAP (700X110) None Fixed Bi-Level EPAP 6.0 IPAP 10.0 (cmH2O)
01/31/19 02/24/20 358 6.27 0.25 Auto CPAP (500X110) None APAP (Variable) Min 8 Max 12 (cmH2O)
04/29/18 01/30/19 277 8.27 0 Auto CPAP (500X110) None CPAP Fixed 8 (cmH2O)