- If you think I actually have SDB/UARS?
- If so, are there any settings I should change on my CPAP?
Thank you in advance!
35 yr/o Male. 6’0”. 135lbs. Canada
Situation/Main Symptoms
- A decade of complaining about excessive daytime fatigue. In the last 9 months, has escalated in severity and has me desperate for relief.
- Wake up feel unrefreshed. Constant brain fog / concentration issues. Exhausted from very light exercise.
- Have maybe 2-3 hours of productivity each day before I can’t concentrate or find energy for my work or personal life.
AHI anywhere from 1.8 to 8 depending on the test, and sleep position.
RDI anywhere from 5.1 to 20 depending on the test and position
(Note: I’m waiting for a PSG sleep clinic appointment to get booked, hopefully in a couple of months)
At home Sleep Test Results which will be attached in a new reply below
Have been using a Resmed 10 Autoset for about a month, but without any relief or improvement in symptoms.
My OSCAR reports from the last 3 nights attached.
Other Attempts
Note: I’ve already tried most other (non-surgical) tips recommended on the forums/reddits, without relief. (i.e. allergy/environment management, best practice sleep hygiene tips, diet, positional sleep backpack device, mouth taping, acid reflux precautions, etc)
I’ve also done all the blood tests/blood work, which have all come back normal.
Will be seeing a rheumatologist soon as well, but am thinking this is more likely to be sleep related.
Again, thank you in advance for your suggestions on
- If you think I actually have SDB/UARS?
- If so, are there any settings I should change on my CPAP
Replying here with my at home sleep study results attached (post 1 of 2)