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cause severe brain fog and unbearable headaches use cpap
cause severe brain fog and unbearable headaches use cpap
영어를 못해서 번역기를 사용하니 문장이 이상할 수 있다는 점 양해 부탁드립니다

마스크를 바꾸고 나니 정말 이해할 수 없는 증상이 생겼습니다. 저는 6개월째 cpap을 사용하고 있으며 p10에 바늘로 구멍을 5개 정도 뚫어 마스크를 만들었습니다. cpap을 이용해서 CA 이벤트를 한두 번 했었는데 그 외에는 꽤 잘 적응했고 증상도 좋아졌습니다. cpap을 사용하지 않고 심장이 엄청나게 굳어졌는데, 최근에 이해할 수 없는 증상이 나타났습니다. 바늘로 사용하던 마스크에 구멍을 2개 더 만들었어요(왜). 호흡이 조금 답답했는데 바늘로 마스크에 구멍을 몇 개 뚫으면 괜찮을 거라고 누가 그러더군요. p10패키지를 새로 구입해서 실패하면 새마스크를 써보려고 했습니다.) 바람이 너무 많이 새고 공기가 부담스러워지는 느낌이 들었습니다. 그리고 원인은 모르겠지만 그 이후에는 마스크를 쓰고 모자를 썼을 때 심장과 가슴이 딱딱하고 답답했습니다. 

그래서 새로운 p10을 사용하기 시작했습니다. 그때부터 이해할 수 없는 두통이 생기기 시작했습니다. 신형 p10을 사용하던 날 머리가 아파서 그대로 5개의 구멍을 뚫었는데, 그 이후로도 똑같습니다. cpap을 사용하고 약 8분 정도 지나면 눈이 건조해지기 시작하고 뇌 혼미 현상이 나타나기 시작합니다. 옆머리 전체가 무겁고 멍해지며 두통이 옵니다. Nazal Mask와 Swift FX, 그리고 새로운 p10을 사용해 보았습니다. 그리고 그 두 사람도 같은 증상을 보였습니다. 신기하게도 원래 쓰고 있던 마스크를 쓰면 가슴과 심장이 힘들지만 두통이나 머리가 멍해지는 등의 증상은 나타나지 않습니다. 그래서 CO2 배출에 문제가 있는 줄 알았는데, 잠시 착용하면 머리에 이상이 있는 것 같은데, 아닐 수도 있겠다는 생각이 듭니다. 왜인지는 정말 모르겠습니다. 압력은 4.6~6.8이고 아히 1~3(주로 ca)같고 오스카 그래프로 다 확인해봤는데 다들 문제 없었을 때랑 똑같았어요

. 몇번이나 압력을 조절해봤지만 소용없었어요

. 나는 공황장애도 없고 평소에도 두통이 없다.

. 며칠동안 APAP을 안쓰고 있어서 이런 두통은 전혀 없지만 마음이 힘들어서 계속 이대로 살 수가 없네요.. 죽을지도 모르겠네요..

. . O2링을 사용시 산소포화도에는 문제가 없었습니다. 한번 빠지는 사건 빼고는 96~98 다 그렇지만 산소포화도가 좋아도 혈중 co2 농도가 높을 수 있다고 들었습니다

. 뇌 안개와 두통은 약 12시간 동안 지속됩니다.

. . 이전에는 문제가 없었는데 p10xs 사이즈로 자면 비슷한 증상이 있었습니다. 그래도 지금만큼 심하진 않았고, 일어나서 1시간 안에 좋아졌다.

그 이후에는 S사이즈를 사용해도 문제가 없었습니다

. 예전에 로웬스타인 바이팝 st25를 사용했는데 감기에 걸려 중추무호흡증이 갑자기 심해졌는데(아마도 레스메드 asv와 비슷하지 않을까 싶습니다) 아침에 일어나면 기절할 것 같은 느낌이 들었습니다(1시간도 안되서 사라졌어요) 한 시간) 손이 저리고 머리가 어지러웠습니다. 이때 p10에 구멍이 뚫렸습니다. co2가 문제일지도 모른다고 생각했는데 소용없었고 마스크를 썼을 때도 비슷했고, 중추성 무호흡증이 이전과 같은 수준으로 돌아갔기 때문에 기계 사용을 포기했습니다. 아직도 이유를 모르겠습니다.. 그리고 내 resmed APAP으로 돌아가면 이 문제가 발생하지 않았습니다.

게시물이 너무 길어서 죄송합니다. 미국은 좀 더 전문적인 수준의 의료 서비스를 제공하는 것 같습니다. 우리나라에서는 일반적으로 bipap, asv 사용이 불가능하고, 수면 전문의 분야도 없습니다. 우리나라 의사들 대부분도 여기에 대한 지식이 별로 없어요. 그래서 솔직히 수면검사도 하는데 비팝의 존재를 모르는 의사들도 봤어요. 아무튼 검색을 많이 하다가 이 사이트를 발견했습니다. 이에 대해 아시는 분 계시면 답변 부탁드립니다. 다들 감사 해요!

***  Moderator Note: Google Translation  ***

As per Rule #4 - All posts must be made in the English language. Please use a translation service, like Google Translate.

I'm not good at English, so I'm using a translator, so please understand that the sentences may be strange.

After changing the mask, I started experiencing symptoms that I really couldn't understand. I have been using CPAP for 6 months and made a mask by piercing about 5 holes in P10 with a needle. I've had a CA event or two with cpap, but other than that I've adapted pretty well and my symptoms have improved. My heart has become extremely hardened without using cpap, and recently I have been experiencing symptoms that I don't understand. I made two more holes in the mask I was using with a needle (why?). I had a little trouble breathing, but someone told me that it would be okay if I poked a few holes in the mask with a needle. I bought a new p10 package and, failing that, tried to use a new mask.) There was too much air leaking and I felt like the air was burdensome. And I don't know the cause, but after that, when I wore a mask or a hat, my heart and chest felt hard and stuffy.

So I started using my new p10. From then on, I started having inexplicable headaches. The day I used the new p10, I had a headache so I just drilled 5 holes, and it's been the same since then. After about 8 minutes of using cpap, your eyes start to feel dry and you start to experience brain fog. The whole side of my head feels heavy, dizzy, and I get a headache. I tried Nazal Mask, Swift FX, and the new p10. And they both had the same symptoms. Strangely enough, when I wear the mask I was originally wearing, my chest and heart feel strained, but I do not experience any symptoms such as headaches or lightheadedness. So I thought there was a problem with CO2 emissions, but after wearing it for a while, it seemed like there was something wrong with my head, but I think that might not be the case. I really don't know why. The pressure is 4.6~6.8 and it's like Ahi 1~3 (mainly ca). I checked everything with the Oscar graph and it was the same as when there were no problems.

. I tried adjusting the pressure several times, but it didn't help.

. I don't have panic attacks and I don't usually have headaches.

. I haven't used APAP for a few days, so I don't have any headaches, but my heart is so tired that I can't continue living like this. I might die.

. . There was no problem with oxygen saturation when using the O2 ring. Except for one missing incident, it's all 96-98, but I heard that even if oxygen saturation is good, blood co2 concentration can be high.

. Brain fog and headaches last for about 12 hours.

. . There was no problem before, but when I slept in the p10xs size, I had similar symptoms. Still, it wasn't as bad as it is now, and it got better within an hour of waking up.

After that, there was no problem using size S.

. I used to use Lowenstein Bipop st25, but I caught a cold and my central apnea suddenly got worse (I think it's probably similar to Resmed ASV), and I felt like I was going to pass out when I woke up in the morning (it went away in less than an hour). An hour) My hands were numb and my head was dizzy. At this time, a hole was drilled in p10. I thought the co2 might be the problem, but it didn't help, it was the same when I wore the mask, and my central apnea returned to the same level as before, so I gave up using the machine. I still don't know why..and when I go back to my resmed APAP I didn't have this problem.

Sorry the post is so long. The United States seems to offer a more professional level of medical care. In our country, the use of bipap and asv is generally not possible, and there is no field of sleep medicine. Most doctors in our country do not have much knowledge about this. So, to be honest, I also did sleep tests and saw doctors who didn't know the existence of B-pop. Anyway, after doing a lot of searching, I found this site. If anyone knows about this, please respond. Thank you everyone!
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RE: cause severe brain fog and unbearable headaches use cpap
You can’t drill holes in a mask and have the cpap work! That would be the same as having an extremely leaky mask. CPAP therapy is pressure-related. If you put holes in the mask, you no longer have a pressurized chamber (i.e. your mouth, lungs, throat, nose); you might as well not be using cpap at all.

Note: cpap is not an oxygen source as you seem to think it is. It is pressure.

If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to sustain life with the settings on your unit: I would feel like I'm dying. But everyone is different.

So, before you put holes in any more masks, wear the mask with no holes and cpap, and record data onto the sd card that comes with the unit (or buy one). Then post the Oscar charts here. The charts point to the issues.
Also, you can look at some other posts to get an idea about the adjustments that are made. Since numbers and charts are involved, you might need very little English to understand them.

Adding holes to a mask destroys it. You will not be able to use those masks with a cpap.

Example: if your car has a flat tire, you put more air in it. If you put more holes in the tire, you won't get anywhere with the air! The tire will still be flat. It also is useless. The air pump you use to put air in a tire is like a cpap. It is not special air. It's ordinary air with pressure. If you put holes in your mask, or if there are leaks, the pressure coming out of the machine will have no effect.
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