Please bear with me . We have moved to the country and there is no chance of getting ADSL so we are using an iPad with a Donegal . Using the laptop is cost prohibitive.
I am using the software compatible with my ReSMart CPAP . I understood that my apnoeas were OSA but upon downloading to my laptop the figures were 1,12,19,10,1 one night CSA .
I cannot see a way of posting the data here.
Is the treatment for CSA the same as for OSA?
Thanks Lorraine
OSA is treated with positive pressure. CSA may be aggravated by pressure.
Most auto PAP machines do not increase pressure in response to a CA event.
If you have just started PAP therapy for OSA, you may initially see some CSA that's induced by pressure; that initial CSA may abate with time.
If it does not abate, then you have mixed aponea that is best treated by a machine known as an ASV (Auto Servo Ventilator.)
Thank you very much justmongo
Why I was curious was because of a diagnosis for muscle fatigue and SOB which was initially thought to be MG was given of Central Nervous System disorder and I wondered whether this was connected in any way . It is mainly the brain sending wrong messages to the body - an anolgy is a software problem in a computer to a hardware one
You should also look at when the events are happening, there is what is referred to as "sleep/wake junk" that shows up as apneas when we are falling asleep or waking up. These are not "real" apneas
My sleep doc once told me that people who have had long term untreated sleep apnea sometimes have a lower central ventilation drive.
This may explain why some people have pressure induced CSA when the begin PAP; but it abates with time as the central ventilation drive up-regulates.