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Hi, i have been using cpap for almost 4 to 5 months now and i cant seem to get past the 5hr sleep mark. I can occasionally get 6hr ~ 6.5hr it but it happen like maybe less than 10 days total. 7hrs seems to be the minimum require sleep i need to function properly. I would post my oscar report but unfortunately i own a bmc cpap because im a poor boy. However i did get some data from one of the threads here.
The thing is that i had tried many different settings and the data only shows flow rate and a tiny portion of the chart, you will need the software to view the entire length of data.
I am hoping if some kind souls that has the software can maybe get the data from me and help me analyze what is going on. I have attached some examples to show.
Your charts seem inconsistent with what I know to be proper and continuous PAP therapy. The first one shows no pressure....at all? How can that be? Or am I missing something?
When we turn over, or when we dream, we can experience suspended, delayed, and broken/irregular breathing. While the machine shows this for each patient, what it won't show is what a Kardia or other heart rhythm monitor would show, and possibly an SPO2 monitor would show concomitantly. Those would show a rising heartbeat, possibly arrhythmia if you were suffering from fibrillation or ventricular arrhythmia, and your SPO2 would drop a few seconds later. All I see in your charts are short-duration disturbances which could be REM cycling or you turning over.
I think the second chart shows fluctuations in delivered air, which is typical for a machine set with upper and lower limits several cm H2O apart. Your range is narrow, and the lower limit seems to be a stingy '5'...correct? Try 6 or 7 if you know how to manipulate your lower pressure limit, and raise the upper limit by the same amount...at least. Still in the second chart, your leaks are normal...here and there, not large. That is okay, and it varies from night-to-night for all of us.
That event at 5:17 is of short duration, and clearly you were not breathing. You're dreaming or turning over, and it is typical to suspend breathing during those short periods, whether turning or dreaming (yes, dreams last a few seconds to a couple of minutes at most, even if they seem interminable).
Third attachment, again, shows a long fixed pressure near 6 cm. That is very odd. It's almost as if your machine is faulty...? Or set incorrectly. You had three large leaks. Those are not problematic spaced out and of short duration, but if they happen three or four times each hour, and if they disturb your sleep pattern, then they become intrusive. That type of leak must be controlled.
I don't understand why the leak chart is in hours, but your chart showing breathing is stretched out and confined to just a few minutes.
I am unsure if this is helpful to you. Now that I have bumped your post to the top, perhaps it will get more attention from those whose knowledge is higher than mine.