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Tune UP my APAP, still waking up 2-3 times per night
Hello everyone,
I’m new to all of this and looking for some guidance. I have been diagnosed with mild apnea (AHI: 29, supine 42.8, non-supine 11.1) with a T90 of 6% and a minimum SpO2 of 81%. My condition has been identified as moderate and positional. I’m currently using a DreamStation 2 with a ResMed AIRfit mask (N20), which I switched to two days ago. I’m still waking up 2-3 times per night. I’ve attached my OSCAR graphs from the last 2 nights for reference. My APAP is set to a minimum pressure of 6.5 and a maximum of 12, based on the 95th percentile and A-flex 3. What adjustments or changes would you recommend to improve my sleep quality? Thank you in advance for your help!
RE: Tune UP my APAP, still waking up 2-3 times per night
First, please read the link in my signature "Formatting OSCAR Charts". It explain what we like to see and how to format it.
Regarding your chart, you are still having some hypopnoea's, which tells me you are not using enough pressure. It looks like your Flex level is doing its job, so I would not suggest changing that as yet.
Give this a go...
Mode AutoCPAP
Min pressure 8
Max pressure 12
Flex level 2
One question is how did you end up with a flex level of 2?
RE: Tune UP my APAP, still waking up 2-3 times per night
Thanks for the reply. I will look into formating and post them again. i was playing with the flex 2 and 3 just to see if the hipoapneas can go lower. I was reading some people saying 3 might not keep the pressure.