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Hello and Merry Christmas,
I have been using a Cpap device since 2018. Initially it was a Phillips device, which was then replaced with a Loewenstein Prisma Smart Plus. Then in November 2024 I got a Resmed Airsense 11 AutoSet. Since then, I can no longer get a good night's sleep.
The device has a modem so that my doctor could access it.
But it did not. Today I am turning to you in the hope that you can help me with the settings.
You are having major Positional Apnea along with some bad air leaks.
Positional Apneas show up as clusters of apneas. Higher pressure will not help, you are most likely chin tucking, imagine a bent water hose. If you sleep on your back try sleeping on your side, use a shorter pillow, some folks have success with a soft cervical collar. The only way I can control my PA is to sleep on my side. There is more info on Positional Apnea below. You need to take car of the PA before we can give you much advise on your settings as the PA is driving your pressure up and your flow limits higher. If I were to make a guess on the minimum pressure you need I would say at least 10 with the 3 EPR. Work on the positional Apnea and lower your leaks, then post more charts. Good luck with your treatment.
When I use my Resmed f20 full face mask, I rarely ever have a leak and I sleep on my side every night. It might be worth trying one and see if it will work for you.