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Chin Strap
Chin Strap
I have suffered from mouth leaks forever.  I have tried mouth taping (Hostage Tape), mouth glue (Q something or other out of Australia) and none work due to moisture that develops in my mouth.  I didn't like a chin strap until I discovered the Knightsbridge Dual Band.  While it has reduced leaking I still get a couple here and there and it probably is a tension issue.  My DME moved me from the Airtouch N20 to an Airfirt N30i due to a nose abrasion that will not go away.  I loved the N20 since I would wear it under my Knightsbridge cap.  I did try the N30i under my Knightsbridge (put a little hole at the top of the cap to accommodate the hose) but I end up with the Knightsbridge sliding forward on my forehead.  Has anyone had any experience using the Knightsbridge?  Do you wear it over or under your mask? If you wear it over, how do you get the mask straps adjusted on your mask due to the padding on the right side of the Knightsbridge?  
For the record I have tried full face masks (Air touch N20 and the F&P half full face mask) but I get incredible leaks when my jaw drops.  I still have to use a chin strap due to jaw drop with a full face mask so I figure I might as well go for less mask if I have to use a chin strap.  

TIA to everyone.
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RE: Chin Strap
I have used the Knightsbridge Dual Band and posted on this forum.

The only way I reduced the cap sliding forward (sometimes over an eye!) was to tighten the adjustment low on the back of the cap.

I notice their instructional video has changed. Larry now shows that the mask may be put on over the cap, or under the cap. However, I predict you will need a larger mask headgear if you put the cap on first and mask later.

I had the same issue with the N20 mask. My abrasion wouldn't heal either. It took a long time. I suspect it was because I took the mask hose off at the elbow to rush to the hospital, and scratched the top of my nose. I tried a *large* mask which comes with a large headgear for a bit.

I spent a long time trying other masks. (ResMed N30i, and P30i modifying both headgears) and F&P Evora Full. Modification is to use the Respironics velcro strap because it sits lower on the back of my skull. Suits me better. There's lots of talk on this forum about people doing that.

I recently bought my 3rd KDB cap. I bought the cheaper version to see if problems I had were resolved. I'm not using his cap now.
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Chin Strap
DaveL what are you using for a chin strap since you don’t use the KDB? Also what does the Respironics head gear look like?  TY
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RE: Chin Strap
Philips Healthcare Respironics DreamWear Headgear with Arms

That's the description; I searched using google.  the "arms" drop down so the strap is lower on the back of your head....

I have so many chinstraps. I hate them.  I have chinstraps that don't work, some that used to work but stretched.  I had a favourite that worked (for a while) but stretched. It's not available anymore and cost too darn much anyway.  

There is a PapCap too. It is reviewed on our forum.  Last one I bought wasn't as well built as they used to be.....

I use a soft cervical collar around my neck now.  It sort of works. I don't like using tape on my lips.

compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Chin Strap
I've worn my new Knightsbridge Dual Band cap the last two nights. It's been ok. I was careful putting it on and aligning it right. And careful I didn't tighten the two bands too much.....hope this helps. It''s so hit-and-miss. It's frustrating.

(If I wake up during the night and have to get up it's a real chore trying to get everything back on just so)
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Chin Strap
Yes it truly is. I purchased their new one with ear holes and some extra padding. I will probably put a hole in the top to connect my hose to the mask. I have found that the mask works better against my face v on top of the cap.
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RE: Chin Strap

Meantime....my wish is to simplify my cpap life. I use the tools I have....
* myAir monitors my performance in a simple way.
* OSCAR is amazing; but I'm the limit. I read and read; however, I can't interpret my own OSCAR results. Mouthbreathing? Positional Apnea?
* autopap or cpap? I find I sleep better with cpap. That's where my machine is right now.

myAir said last night:
* score 99
* 7:43 usage hours
* Good mask seal 19/20
* 0.0 events per hour (cpap; can't get this on apap)
* 1 mask on/off

And I feel better after a night's sleep. If I felt worse, I would use OSCAR; however, I wouldn't understand the output.
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Chin Strap
I use a mouth tape that stays on even when I drool.  Sometimes I drool so much that there is some air leakage, but it's not too much.  This tape goes on easily, is very comfortable to wear, and can be reused a number of times.  Here's a link to it on Amazon.  This roll is only 1.5 yards.  I buy the 5-yard size as it is much cheaper that way, but you may want to try the smaller version in case you don't like it.  Here's a link:

Machine:  ResMed AirCurve 10 Vauto
Mask:  Bleep DreamPort Sleep Solution
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RE: Chin Strap
Great suggestion Deborah


Knightsbridge Dual Band cap; soft cervical collar; mouth tape. Mask. Oh my.
compliant for 35 years /// Still trying!

I'm just a cpap user like you. I don't give medical advice. Seek the advice of a physician before seeking treatment for medical conditions including sleep apnea. Sleep-well


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RE: Chin Strap
Dave L.
A couple of months ago I've made myself what I call a tape cover, just 1piece 1 1/2 inch long mono porous, vertical from nose to chin to help lips close (I know you don't like to tape but that's not much),

If you look at the picture, you'll understand. Easy DIY cheap ($) effective, for me 25 out of 30 days -0 leaks. ( last 2 months)

What you need: 9x12x1/16 foam from any hobby store (Micheal's ....) 
                        2 pieces of material: 24 inches x 3/4inch ---- 3 inches x 3/4 inch    (material that don't stretch)
                         My wife gave me a metal strap adjustment from an old bra. Thinking-about  or make one from a paper clip or a piece of wire.
                         2 velcro ; 1soft 5 inches ----1 hard 2 inches .

Cut 2 pieces of foam, mine are 4 1/2x 11/2--- cut a little knoch in the center (not to interfere with the mask) --super glue together--sew the material on each side.
Sew the metal clip at the end of the 3- inch attachment. Slide the 24- inch in the clip. Check the picture to see where to put the velcro.

I've made it that way for 2 reasons; all you do is slide it over your head.
                                                     easier to adjust the tension.
Same as a mask, you do not overtight- tight enough but not too much. If you drool wrap a cut- to-size kleenex tissue around it, the tissue will absorb it. For some reason, with or without the tissue if it is attached right there is no leak.
In a hurry to take it off, just drop your head to your chest.

Choose the measurements as you wish, the ones I gave are for my face.  
I know it's another thing in your face but it's small, easy to put on, and not hot like a head cap or a chin strap & hopefully, if you decide to make one it will help you.   


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