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Chronic Fatigue despite good CPAP and Oximetry statistics.
Hi there! I have been using the Resmed Airsense 10 with the nasal pillows for about a year now. In the first few weeks of use, I seemed to notice a marked improvement in my energy levels, but I feel as though over a period of months, this gradually lessened and I returned to what I feel was my pre-cpap energy levels. I tried to read a lot on here to be as well informed as possible before making a post, so I bought a pulse oximeter for night time monitoring in the hope it would catch something that OSCAR isn't. When I wake up, I tend to have a pretty rough headache and some slight nasal congestion, as well as fatigue for at least a few hours. I exercise about 6/7 days a week, work a sedentary job and maintain a pretty regular sleep schedule. I also eat a pretty varied and healthy diet, I cook my own food most of the time. Settings are autoset min 5 max 20 and 3 EPR. Here's a list of things I have tried so far:
-Nasal Breathing Strips
-Softer Pillow
-Positional adjustment, both purposefully side-sleeping and back-sleeping.
-CPAP filter replacement
None of these interventions seemed to provide any difference at all to OSCAR statistics, which continually read fine, as far as I can tell. I usually pay the most attention to minute vent, as I believe that is the best tell based on what I've read on here. It seems to remain consistent. I'm attaching the stats from last night for both OSCAR and my oximeter. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. I just want to see if anyone has any idea if the issue could be still apnea-related or if I should start looking elsewhere to solve this problem.
RE: Chronic Fatigue despite good CPAP and Oximetry statistics.
I would look at your flow limits. The flow limits can cause you not to be able to get into deep sleep and can even wake you up. Your min is to low to help with FL. To help raise your min to 7 and Turn on your EPR to full time 3. See if that helps after a couple of days.