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Daytime sleepiness
Daytime sleepiness
I have been using the CPAP for about a month now.
I feel much, much better now during the day.
However, lately (last week or so), I have found myself getting drowsy (again) while watching TV or when I am just zoning out. Typically about 4-5 hours before bedtime. My AHI is now down to about 2.0. Any ideas?
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RE: Daytime sleepiness
Google "sleep debt". It's a good place to start in terms of sleep and "catching up".

It is most likely your body and brain have finally been retrained and they are like "Wow! Sleep! Want it now!".

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: Daytime sleepiness
(12-22-2012, 07:23 PM)HoseHead58 Wrote: Any ideas?
welcome to the board .. HoseHead58

did you change anything, EPR, humidity setting or started new medication

do you have a followup with the sleep doc
hows leak compare to other days
something to look for is mouth breathing which is common with nasal mask ... chinstrap may help
does your nose feel stuffy or congested

on the other hand, maybe something to do with the mayan prophesy or xmas shopping stress

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RE: Daytime sleepiness
The only thing that has changed over the 36 days, in which I have had the machine, is that about 2 weeks ago, I switched to a F&P Opus 360 nasal pillow from a Comfort Classic II mask. Using the SleepyHead software, the numbers look great after the switch. The numbers before weren't bad (and much better than not using a CPAP) but after the mask change, the numbers got even better. Plus I can sleep a LOT more comfortably now. Thanks to everyone on this site that suggested trying a different mask if needed. I am still trying to understand leaks and what the numbers mean. With the Comfort Classic leak readings were: 21 (95%), 42 (max). With the Opus, the readings are a bit higher at 33 and 68. However some of that may be attributed to the nasal mask actually falling off the head piece and me having to re-assemble it during the night. Luckily, I am much more alert now (plus after the first time, I'm learned how it fits together so I can do it in the dark now!).
Going to see the doctor for a followup tomorrow.
I do see some AHI spikes during some nights, some up to 8-10 or so. Most nights less than 6. I have printed out some of the graphs to show the doctor to ask about them. We'll see how that goes over. However, armed with the information from this site, and since I am the person paying the bills, I am optimistic things will go well.
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RE: Daytime sleepiness
Some of us are very tired regularly. Today, Christmas day, I got up around 9 am and after we did the gift thingy I went back to bed. I am so tired today, even with my newly-prescribed 11.0 pressure. I'm getting along with it pretty good. I have a bit of trouble getting to sleep but I seem to sleep well. No reports from my better half about snoring lately. And no headaches. Luckily, without a paying job I can afford to nap during the day.
With the S9 Escape I don't have any solid data but January 3 I meet with VitalAire again and hopefully can arrange trading it in for an AutoSet as per my new prescription.
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RE: Daytime sleepiness
(12-25-2012, 04:51 PM)HoseHead58 Wrote: I do see some AHI spikes during some nights, some up to 8-10 or so. Most nights less than 6. I have printed out some of the graphs to show the doctor to ask about them.

Hi HoseHead,

You can look at the leak graph and run a straight line from top to bottom of the page for the start and end time that the leak(s) occurred, every "event" that happened during the high leak period(s) are not accurate, it's not unusual for the machine to think you had some type of apnea during a leak.

For the most accurate data of your therapy results you've got to stop all the leaks (the hardest thing about CPAP is figuring-out how to prevent leaks), turn the machine on after you put your mask on and turn it off before removing the mask.

Once you have no leaks, if your AHI is still high then you can make adjustments to the pressure if it's indicated by accurate data.

Oh yeah, Welcome

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RE: Daytime sleepiness
Welcome to the Board! Lot's of nice people with good information from hands on experience! Glad you found us. Leaks seem to be a good place to start as I was recently taught. I'm just waiting a few more days to compare the data so i know its more accurate than just a couple of nights!

Finger Lakes Region, NY
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RE: Daytime sleepiness
The doctor was pleased with the numbers. Great compliance (every day) and low AHI numbers (< 5). He seemed surprised that I had reviewed the data and had print outs for him detailing what is happening. I brought along the overall summary for the last 36 days plus some representative samples of 3 or 4 days to show what an "average" night was like. Since I had pushed for an auto machine initially, I got him to agree to change the prescription to try the auto mode. So long (at least for now), constant pressure of 10, hello, auto setting of 6-14 (although I was suggesting an 8-12 range). We'll see how it goes.
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RE: Daytime sleepiness
(12-26-2012, 03:15 PM)HoseHead58 Wrote: The doctor was pleased with the numbers. Great compliance (every day) and low AHI numbers (< 5). He seemed surprised that I had reviewed the data and had print outs for him detailing what is happening. I brought along the overall summary for the last 36 days plus some representative samples of 3 or 4 days to show what an "average" night was like. Since I had pushed for an auto machine initially, I got him to agree to change the prescription to try the auto mode. So long (at least for now), constant pressure of 10, hello, auto setting of 6-14 (although I was suggesting an 8-12 range). We'll see how it goes.
with patient like you ...who need doctors like him Too-funny
yep my doc just the same
last time he said keep doing what you,re doing and see you next year

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RE: Daytime sleepiness
I vote for sleep debt or catching up on lost sleep. Most of us , well I, made up sleep by sleeping 12-13 hours. I had daytime sleepiness long after I shouls have so I took Nuvigil or Provigil. One of those "wakefullness meds" might be a good short term remedy.
Good luck.
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