My husband has been long suggested that I might have sleep apnea, but I always discarded that because I don't snore at all. My father has severe OSA with crazy snoring. (Might be genetic?)
I should mention that I have moderate to severe depression all year round as well as ADHD. Even with treatments, I'm still feeling moderate to severe fatigue all day long, having trouble concentrating, having brain frog and memory problems, easily falling asleep while sitting and reading or watching TV. I know Adderall makes my sleep a little worse, but I cannot function at all without it. The Rx in question is Cymbalta. I've been taking it for almost 2 years now, and it seems like the only antidepressant that has somewhat worked for me (after trying to find the right RX for many years). Since I started taking it, I've had pretty severe night sweat, making me waking up multiple times a night to change shirt or use the restroom in summer. Now in winter, I'm still waking up 1-2 times to use the restroom during the night. But as far as I could remember, I was always a sleeping-like-a-rock type of kid who would often woke up feeling very refreshed. Now maybe I wake up feeling refreshed once a year.
So my question is, is it possible that sleep apnea is entirely caused/induced by antidepressant use? For those of you who've been in similar situations, do you recommend that I try to adjust or switch my Rx first before seeking sleep treatment? I should mention that I'm very afraid of trying a new drug because Cymbalta is the only one that's worked for me. But piling on CPAP or APAP without knowing how much my antidepressants are causing the sleep problem feels a bit weird for me as well.
Also, for someone who doesn't snore, would at-home test suffice? Thank you so much!