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Sometimes there seems to be some arousal before the event as seen in first and second picture.
The second type is when there is no arousal as seen in picture number three.
Is there difference in what is happening? Can the first type be awakenings?
Yes there is a difference, the first two are sleep disturbance related Clear Airway events, the third appears to be a Central Apnea.
The first two can be reduced in number by figuring out what is causing the disturbances, CA events like those are usually created when a person in rolling over and holding their breath while doing so, it can be many things, simply adjusting a pillow, bedding or position.
The third, a Central Apnea gets way deeper in the weeds than I can go with my limited knowledge, but can be reduced in number by making settings changes to the device, some folks develop treatment induced central apnea that eventually resolves as the body adjusts to the improved ventilation no changes necessary, just let yourself evolve.