First, my apologies. I didn't realize that in French, the AHI is reversed to IAH. Going forward from here, when taking a screenshot, make sure that you are scrolled to the top of the page. That will allow us to see your flow rate and pressure graphs. Anyway, based on what I see, you are either sleeping on your back or tucking your chin while asleep. Your pressure range seems to be good. A 12 cm to 16 cm would work, too.
I had edited my previous post to include a reply about the data to provide your doctor. Since you have posted while I was editing my post, I will repeat it here. If you read it above, you can ignore it here.
From my previous post. . .
The data I would try sending your doctor would be the Statistics page and the Overview screen, configured with a 45-day date range. You would print both of these to a PDF file instead of your normal printer. Being on a Windows PC, you can download a free PDF printer, like Bullzip or CutePDF Writer. After you install it, it will appear as a printer option when you select a document to print.
Here is a link to CutePDF Writer: