I would like to get some feedback from other members sleep studies,and what they experienced so i can compare it to my own.
First a little background, I work for a large transit system, and they started screening for sleep Apnea . Because my bmi was high and i was being treated for blood pressure (borderline) i had to get tested. I never had any issues with daytime sleepiness , always get 8 hours a night. I have been on the Apap since November 11 2019, and have been tolerating it well, the first night was rough . but thankfully got used to it quickly so i can be in compliance with the companies rules.
This was my experience at the sleep study. I arrived at 9pm . was hooked up to all the sensors and in bed by 10pm. Sometime between 1030pm and 1130pm fell asleep briefly then got up to take a bathroom break. Fell back asleep sometime around midnight, woke up around 245 am and couldn't get back to sleep (anxiety). When i got to the clinic i asked the technician what time will i be able to sleep to, she said they would wake me up at 4am at the latest.
So my questions are...
1) Did you sleep longer then i did? do you think that approx 4 hours was enough time to get the proper data?
2) Were you told that it was okay to take something to help you sleep? the person that arranged the appointment and the technician said it was okay to take something(i took a benadryl)I found out after the test that sedatives raises the ahi index.
3) According to the report i had 17 obs apneas and 51 hypopneas . from what i researched hypopneas is when you breath shallow. could the benadryl be the cause?
4) My regular sleep hours are 2am to 10 am . do you think going outside your regular body clock, is also a factor?
I look forward to hearing about your experiences. Its nice to know i,m not alone in this!
I have attached part of the sleep study. it has all the info let me know if you can open it OK as its my first time posting.My apologies in advance for my terrible typing skills.
Scan_0001.pdf (Size: 616.25 KB / Downloads: 17)