Hi all,
Thanks for all the quick replies and sorry for my late response.
You guys are definitely right my ENT is inclined to a surgical solution. During our consult he clearly said that he found it even strange that a person my age was being treated with CPAP, while surgical options IF feasible are a better solution. That being said, I am not giving up on my PAP! Just want some more clarification on my obstruction cause.
To comeback to what you said sleep2snore, CPAP is not working for me and as a matter of fact my ENT thinks he will see a lot more during the sleep endoscopy than a sleep study will show. Because I do not hit deep sleep at all, and because of my hypersensitive upper airway I keep on having arousals without having full blown apnea's. @ Crowter I agree with you, the endoscopy just lasts 15-20 minutes, doesnt replicate all the real sleep stages. It does however put you in stage 3/4 sleep which is deep sleep, you are not in your REM sleep though during the endoscopy.
@Sleeprider, During the endoscopy you are being sedated by a team of anaesthesiologists, I have no clue what they will use to sedate me !
Check these video's of patients that show severe obstruction during their endoscopy, they are young and their sleep studie's show mild apnea/uars. :
If they can adress what is obsturcting my airway may it be the tongue, eppiglottis soft palate or the anatomy of my mouth, the endoscopy is my best bet to find it out. And this hospital does not do UPPP's they use laser assisted surgery which is not that invasive.
For the ones that are interested these are the surgeries they perform:
- Inspire therapy, tongue pacemaker that stimulates the tongue (only for severe apnea)
- Celon RFITT reduction of the tongue base
- HTP (Hyoidthyroidpexie)
- MMA surgery
- Celon turbinate reduction
So as you can see there is no UPPP