-30m, 5'10, 205
-Constantly been tired since my 20's regardless of 6-12 hours. Maybe 1 day everyone few months I feel like I slept and am refreshed.
-Daytime fatigue affects my personal life and career. Brain fog, memory problems, sometimes executive functions.
-Increased anxiety and mood, I always feel like I'm sleep-deprived.
-Wake up multiple times per night. Occasionally I wake up and try and go back to sleep but can't because it still feels like I am half-dreaming. Very disorienting. The only thing to do is physically get out of bed for 10 minutes or so, wake up a bit, then go back to bed. It's like my brain is stuck in REM sleep/N3
-Had tons of medical and blood work over 2 years, even a brain MRI (updated MRI shows no change and white matter was a mistake)
-Had a positive ANA for Schlerdoma (CREST) but no symptoms for 2+ years. 2nd ANA was negative. They were not concerned.
-Have MTHFR mutation (can't process folic acid) so now avoid enriched foods.
-slightly low on Vitamin D this winter.
- 9 ug/dL lead level (I shoot USPSA) has been lowered, only went up a year ago.
-Wellbutrin 5 months ago to help with mood, Xanax ONCE in a blue mood for anxiety (.5mg 1 every 2 weeks)
-Taking all my vitamins, fish oil, and Methylofolate (helps with MTHFR)
Sleep Studies: Both are attached:
Study 1: Study on 1/7/22. It was a horrible experience, they were very late and in a rush. I felt like I was awake for pretty much the whole time. I legit was in my head going "man, this really sucks, when will I fall asleep..." for what to me felt like the majority of the night. Woke up multiple times.
AHI of 4, RDI of 9.
Spontaneous arousals 3.9
PLM 10.7, only 0.7 arousals index
Slept mostly on the side.
Study 2: They wanted to repeat the study, went much better this time. They made me sleep on the back majority. Was hard but felt like I slept better than in the first study.
AHI 5, RDI 22
(114 RERAs)
Spontaneous arousals 5.1
PLM 11, only 1.0 arousal index
Dr. things mild OSA and possibly UARS goes with Resmed Airsense APAP 6-16 pressure with EPR set to 2 with p10 nose pillows
Day 1-3 no SD card. I used just P10 pillow, fell asleep for 7 hours the first day. Actually felt like it did something. Wasn't refreshed, but better than my usual sleep. I thought it was great until day 3 when I woke up to my lips starting to flutter and chip munk cheeks.
Day 4: OSCAR data. 2.69 AHI Realize I am having bad mouth leaks. Sleep felt decent besides.
Day 5: OSCAR GREAT sleep first 4 hours, terrible sleep last 4 hours. 0.70 AHI
Day 6: OSCAR. Put EPR on 3 forgot to plug in the SD card. Woke up in the middle of the night and put it in. Horrible night's sleep.
Day 7-9: OSCAR. Started using mouth tape because of leaks and I did not believe the low AHI numbers. Started to see a lot more APNEA show up (Central, OA, and H)
My flow limit is all over the place and my graphs look awful. Some of the CA are deep inhaling and movements.
I have been looking at my flow limits and each breath sequence, very rarely are mine in good curves, with lots of dips at the top. This picture is from the "best" flow limit of the night.
I feel much worse than when I started. I wake up more, and I feel pretty bad. Some nights I only need 6-7 pressure...other nights 15! I do think 2 EPR is best. It could just be that I am waking up because of the p10 pillows. Even though I nose breath 99% of the day, and my tongue is always on my pallet, when I fall asleep my mouth stays closed but my tongue droops juuuuuust enough where I got bubbles of air in my cheek and wake me up regardless of chin strap, mouth tape, or mouth guard. Going for a full face mask fitting on Wednesday.
Any advice or suggestions would be wonderful. I know I need to stick to one thing but not sure if my diagnosis is wrong and I don't even need CPAP, or its the p10 air bubbles causing me to wake up.
Thank you,
-Sleepy Teacher
Sleep study 1
Sleep study 2
OSCAR charts