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Ok thanks. My question is am I actually stopping breathing? I have a wellue 02 ring and sp0 didn't drop below 92/93% so I'm confused on how bad it is and best possible treatment.
I've seen an ENT and they are recommending tongue base and epiglottis stiffening based on a DISE.
Yes, you actually stopped breathing for 16-18 seconds a bit less than once every 2.5 hours. That is not bad at all.
However you exhibited restricted breathing for a average 22 seconds 40 times per hour to 50-80% of normal. . Which is like having your partner elbow you in the ribs every 90 seconds on average all night long. That prevents you from getting restorative sleep and significantly wears your body down over time.
CPAP/APAP is the Gold Standard treatment. Doctors tend to recommend solutions within their expertise. On surgery I have no expertise but it is likely that several weeks of recovery you will have at least lessened the OSA you have. You should be aware that many who have had various surgeries have had recurrences in the future or still need to use a PAP machine. The choice here is yours. Either way we will still be here to help.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
I suggestion right now you do not get hung up on names other than which type of machine will give better results. UARS may not be complete obstruction, but being aroused interrupts sleep.
Are all three links to the same time period. I see no mention of central events but see some in yellow.
Do you have a graph of brain wave with arousals on it. That was a real eye opener for me. If I remember correctly, my O2 never went below 91%. The couple of hours I thought I was awake during the study was my brain going from deep sleep to awake continuously. I averaged 21events during total study, so it must have been a lot.
Just now that you will get better, you may have a challenge head of you. Your brain will love the extra air.
Do not get discouraged, especially when you start feeling better but are not as good as great.
I personally know many people who have machines with different issues and results on machines. All are doing better on their machines.