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I've been on CPAP since August of last year. Going generally pretty well, use it every night feel much better since starting with it. I've just go into using OSCAR and wanted a general review of the settings of a typical night for me. Still learning a lot about the stats and terminology.
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The only charts we need to see are events, flow rate, flow limits, pressure, leaks, and snores
Your OA, Obstructive Apnea is a bit clustered. I want to see if it is consistent and if there is more on some days. If so then I suggest that you use a soft cervical collar ( see the link in my signature) or an anti-snoring or sleep collar (no padding on the back of the neck).
Set your min pressure to 7 for both comfort and therapeutic reasons. The min pressure should be - 4 + EPR = 4 + 3 = 7
You also have some pretty good spikes in your Flow Limits, so a watch on that.
You were awake for most of the events at the start of the night so we will not count those for now.
Now the most important question, How do you feel?
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
Thanks Bonjour, I've added a sample of another two days for comparison and the overview stats. Generally I feel pretty good, lately I've had a few racing heart episodes, but those are mostly on being awake and due to an anxiety episode in Nov. Sleep since starting CPAP is greatly improved. I suspect you are right with the chin tucking and snoring. I'll take a look at adding a collar and see if that helps.
Seeing these charts you should see some benefits from a collar. Let's see what a collar does for you numbers. Do change your min to 7, I'd suggest that you set EPR = 3 but you are already there. As long as you are feeling good I'm not going to suggest a BiLevel machine. As a point, and I'm not saying you are, you need to be critical of how you feel with your apnea treatment with both us and your doctor. How do you feel is not a greeting but a critical evaluation of your apnea.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter