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Brand new to the forum here and this is my first post. I have been using a Cpap for a about 1-2 years now and I am still not having any luck. I am still always so tired, unfocused, and in a fog. I recently started looking into my data on OSCAR and I was wondering if someone could take a look. I do not think I fully understand how to read these reports but it appears to me that I just stop breathing all together or hold my breath in my sleep. I have some images of my entire reports. If there is a certain one you want a closer look at please let me know. I have a few zoomed in locations I can post as well. Can someone give me an insight as to what is going on or settings I could try. I have tried a few things so far but nothing has seemed to help.
Your therapy looks good. I suggest that you raise your EPR setting to 3. This should help with both comfort and therapy. It may be that others will see something else that would help you sleep and feel better. I hope so.
OSCAR is showing your Med. Pressure is running around 9cm you could also try setting your minimum pressure at 8.6 or a little more and see if it helps.