It sounds like you are talking about me, so let me elucidate.
I make notes after each night's sleep and carefully study all my charts, so I have developed a technique which enables me to flag the times I was awake and then extract that information from the Flow Rate chart. I then extended that to flagging which side I was laying on, as I wondered whether different types of events were more prominent on one side or the other (the jury's still out on that).
As soon as I lay down, I do 4 short, sharp sniffs if I am on my LEFT side or 5 if I am on my RIGHT side (that's the number of letters in each word)....I never willingly sleep supine or prone. I do the same every time I wake up - and if I turn over. Well....when I remember!
These flags are readily apparent, as shown in the attached figure. Here, I was awoken right after a hypopnea - I immediately remembered to flag that I was on my right side, but then decided to turn over so I flagged that too.
I also use this to synchronise my two monitoring devices, the CPAP machine and my pulse oximeter (with a nod to what they do in movies to align the video and sound, I call this my "sniffing clapperboard").
Just before I first lay down for the night (and again if I come back from the loo during the night), I do one big sniff AND twist my oximeter wrist sharply. Oscar allows me to tweak "CPAP Clock Drift" so that I can then align the very clear resulting spike in the CPAP's Flow Rate graph (and the Mask Pressure one, actually) with the peak in the oximeter's Movement chart. The delta varies from about 4-25 seconds.
I have just last week added another tool to my arsenal - the wonderful SomnoPose app, which records my precise angle of rotation throughout the night (i.e. left side, right side, supine, etc.). So I now try to syncronise that too, by tilting the iphone sharply as I perform the clapperboard routine. I say 'try' because I can't tweak the time in Oscar for the iphone - but it tends to be just a few seconds out. The result is shown in the attached image.
Here is an example of how I annotate the awakenings in my notes, based on my sniff flags:
11:37-R 12:12-R 1:31-R 4:14-RL-loo 4:23-L 5:24-L 5:40-L 5:42-L 5:57-L 6:08-up [= 8 awakenings]
Thanks to SomnoPose, I can now see how inaccurate this is, as I twist slightly (5-45° actually) many more times than I had assumed. So I can augment the above list with all the extra twists from arousals where I did not wake enough to give a sniff flag - including a more accurate idea of rotation than simply left or right....but that is getting really complicated!