RE: weight gain with CPAP use
(08-03-2018, 12:57 PM)chill Wrote: The First Law of Thermodynamics / Caloric Balance theory of weight gain and loss has been roundly and repeatedly disproven by scientific experiments over the past 100+ years. That is what the actual science says. And yes, The Authorities continue to spout this disproven theory. This is not a disorder of eating too much and moving too little. It is a hormonal imbalance disorder. For a very readable, and usable, exploration of this, see The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung.
I did a quick check on Dr Fung and his answer is intermittent fasting. Not many calories while your fasting. I wonder if maybe he overlooked that in dismissing the Caloric Balance Theory.
RE: weight gain with CPAP use
Objection! I'd tell you why but it'll just contribute to the problem and it should be obvious to all anyway. moderators, where are you?
RE: weight gain with CPAP use
(08-03-2018, 05:17 PM)sheepless Wrote: . . . moderators, where are you?
You may agree or disagree but, as far as I can see, no forum rules have been broken. If you feel that a rule has been broken or infringed upon, please contact me or any monitor or moderator.
RE: weight gain with CPAP use
I have no stake in the argument. and I don't know the rules well enough to contradict you. I can state my objection here in public or in private, whatever you recommend.
RE: weight gain with CPAP use
I have read through this thread a few times, and especially the last few posts. What is it you are objecting to?
I see no rules violation here.
RE: weight gain with CPAP use
sorry for the delay. every day about this time my internet connection becomes very very slow or disconnected for a while.
opal rose and crimson nape, thanks for asking.
I'm not claiming a rules violation. and I don't have a stake in this argument. I can learn something from both / all sides. and that's kind of my point.
as I told walla walla in a pm, if no one else sees what I think I see, I'll drop it with an apology. maybe it's just me.
what's going on in this world right now may have made me hyper sensitive to the arrogance of staking out a position while devaluing other ideas and by implication the people holding those other ideas. it's happened here before and in one example I recall sleeprider somewhat forcefully put an end to the petty and seemingly never-to-end quibbling. as far as I know there were no rules violations there but the content had become silly and repetitive.
it's about tone. civility. respect. open mindedness. I enjoy constructive debate; exhange of ideas; batting around alternate theories; attempting to educate or learn from others with a variety of ideas, especially but not necessarily if one can cite to 'authoritative' references or at least present a logical and persuasive case.
I object to a certainty that precludes hearing and considering other ideas.
I object to what may be my perception alone: closed mindedness, and more importantly, the imposition of that close mindedness on others; a kind of arrogant tone that x and only x is right and ha ha lol you're wrong (and by implication, how can you be so ill informed or worse to bother even entertaining the idea of not-x). I see it here in almost every discussion of alternate therapies to cpap. I saw it in a thread I participated in regarding sleep apps. I saw it in the public castigation of a former member before he was penalized and ultimately run off (I don't care if he was right or wrong; I object to how he was treated by members, or at least how it appeared he was treated based on the public squabbles; if nothing else, I could learn from the debate but that opportunity was cut short because that member was humiliated and shut down by other members).
in almost every arena few of us here are so well-qualified that we can tell others their perspective is without merit. none of us present credentials to participate. so much of what I've learned through life has shifted, morphed mostly via science into a different theory or fact. how can we be so sure anymore? how can we trust that that current 'fact' or theory, even science, won't change again next week? in fact, isn't uncovering new ways to understand things the very nature of inquiry and problem solving?
I'd like to see this discussion about weight loss continue. I'm interested in learning about a variety of ideas. I want to hear all sides. I'm open to the idea that one size doesn't fit all (pun intended). there are (sometimes nuanced) exceptions to everything. it's up to me to sort out what I read and up to me to decide what I think is reasonable or effective or appropriate or useful or whatever. I don't want to hear a group of dead certain folks tell others' there's only one way to think about anything.
a civil and constructive debate should be interesting, academic, not cringe-worthy and not remotely personal. I'd like it to continue but with a modicum of respect and with a common interest in exploring ideas rather than defending a position, contributing to what looks to me like a p-----g match and in effect badgering and shutting down people that raise and want to discuss opposing ideas.
to the extent I'm overreacting, I sincerely apologize. I'm sure I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, exaggerating a point to make a larger point, but this is an example of how unproductive polarization starts. of course I can choose not to read any thread but it's a darn shame if a potentially good discussion is stifled by rightousness and the devaluation the thoughts of others.
there you have it. FWIW.
RE: weight gain with CPAP use
Since this thread has drifted way off topic and the OP's question(s) were answered, I am closing the thread. If anyone wishes to continue the thermowhatsits dynamicals and calorical metaforic damages, please feel free to start another thread in the Off Topic!
I love that we have folks with brains here! All sorts of backgrounds, all sorts of opinions, yet rarely do we have "flaming" or disruptions! Disagreements, yes. Calling someone's mother a cricket bat, no.
Take a deep breath and count to zen.