I got a significant improvement in June when I started using a MAD (mandibular advancement device).
But I still have inconsistent results.
You can see what I mean on the last 7 days screenshots I am including.
Quote:Because the file is to heavy for here, you can safely download it at the following address:
The conditions for the 7 days are all the same:
- Pressure settings 10/20. I did try before a CPAP pressure setting of 5/15 and the results were way off.
- Same mask.
- Use of MAD.
- Wearing a rigid cervical collar (my head cannot tilt forward).
- Always go to sleep on my left side.
- Always wake up on my back.
- Very little movements during night (the sheets are never messed up in the morning).
- About 30 years ago I got an operation to eliminate/reduce my snoring. My tonsils and uvula were removed and they remove part of my soft palate.
- For more than 30 years have been taking medication for pressure, cholesterol, nervousness and anxiety.
- I am a smoker recently trying to quit. (I have reduced my consumption from +25/day to now ~15/day.)
- I weight 230 lbs. and measure 5' 8"
Following discussions here I am now trying to get a by-level machine.
It is required I have a medical prescription and have sent a formal request to my lung specialist.
I did talk to her a while back about such a change of machine, but she was not very receptive.
I am waiting for a reply to my last request.
I do not understand why I get those inconsistent results when conditions do not change.
Maybe I am wrong but I doubt positional apnea is the culprit (rigid collar).
I will very gladly receive comments and/or suggestions.