I've been on CPAP almsot 2 years now, but still not feeling rested. I've already tried somethings on my own, but it seems that I can't quite get it figured out. I'm currently using an pressure of 7.4-8 with an EPR of 3, I've been trying to keep that low to avoid getting air in my belly. I changed from an N30i mask to a N20 mask, to get rid of a lot of the leaking (liked the N30i better, but wanted to make sure that the leaking is not waking me up).
Almost everyday, it seems that I have trouble sleeping with the CPAP. If I'm tired enough I can fall asleep with the CPAP, but nearly every night I wake up restless after about an hour. It then mostly takes 1 - 2 hours again to get back to sleep, after which I often can sleep about 4 hours, before waking up. Most of the time I don't feel well rested at that time, sometimes I can sleep another hour without a mask. I'm not sure if I just need more sleep, or better sleep quality.
I've attached 3 screenshots of last night, 1 of the full night, 1 close up at the beginning of the night and one later. For me what stands out is that in the beginning of the night I seem to take a couple of bigger breaths, followed by some smaller, then bigger and so on. I don't know if this is normal and has something to do with the sleeping fases we go through. It seems that my pulse rate (from wellue 02-ring) is nicely following this pattern. Later in the night, the pattern is gone, as shown in the last screenshot.
If anyone has an idea how to imrove my sleep, I would like to know. As I'm quite stubborn, please don't just tell me what to change, but also why.
Thanks in advance,