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These therapy stoppages, is this the result of the Auto Off function malfunctioning? The waveform just stops seemingly in a normal breath, with no SWJ preceding the shutoff.
05-12-2022, 09:57 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2022, 10:20 AM by Dog Slobber.)
RE: What exactly is happening here?
Three things come to mind:
Data corruption/import problem
Power loss
SmartStart (Stop)
Some Suggestions:
Turn off the SmartStart - AutoStop feature, but leave on the SmartStart - AutoStart. But I don't think this is the cause because AutoStop is usually preceded by high leak
Turn off machine for a few minutes to reset it
Check to make sure all electrical chords are in tight and secure. Plug to outlet, cord to power brick, cord to device.
Turn on Ramp, either (AutoRamp or minimum 5 minutes at 0.2 less than your normal minimum pressure). This way, should you see a break in therapy, if the pressure is less than start you know the device restarted. If not, it is a break in data recording. And no, AutoRamp or even a minimal 5 minute Ramp doesn't create the devastating loss of therapy some would have you believe.