My husband has been using this ASV device for 2 weeks and would truly appreciate an evaluation if things are progressing normally or if adjustments need to be made. He has been diagnosed with Central Sleep Apnea/Mixed Sleep Apnea (due to Parkinson’s Disease) with a 22 AHI during my PSG in-lab study. During deep sleep, the pressure numbers go up into the low 20’s with a loud noise coming from the device. At times, He is still snoring and making some loud breathing difficulty noises and I am concerned that his AHI numbers are not really improving. I understand that there is a long learning curve to get maximum benefits and hehas been improving on keeping the mask on without obvious air leaks, less discomfort, etc. His DME company will only get insurance to pay for supplies if he sees the doctor for a follow-up between days 61-90 from start of ASV use. On his doctor’s RX the ranges are: Maximum Pressure Support = 15 cm/H20 and minimum set to 3cm/H20
EPAP of 5cmH2O, minimum pressure support 3cmH20. EPAP should be set to 9cm/H20.
Both rates set to AUTO
On the device it reads:
PS - 3.0-15.0
EPAP - 5.0-9.0