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01-18-2023, 05:11 PM (This post was last modified: 01-18-2023, 05:15 PM by shenstone.)
Terrible leaks with AirFit P10 mask
I've started using the ResMed AirFit P10, and it seems to work great for me, apart from all the leaks I've been having (see attached).
I tried both the medium and large cushions (and seem to have marginally fewer leaks with the mediums, depending on the night). I've also tried tightening and loosening the strap on the headgear to varying degrees.
Is there anything else I could try that might help reduce the leaks? Or is it time to start looking for a different mask?
It's likely the leak is through your mouth. You need to keep your mouth closed, lips sealed. You can practice placing your tongue so that it forms an effective seal against the teeth and palate. Alternatively, consider taping your lips, a soft collar or chin strap. Or change to a full face mask.
Machine: Dreamstation BIPAP Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Most recent: Airfit P10, Wisp, Pilairo, Mirage Vista Humidifier: Dreamstation BIPAP, but without humidifier, also S9 VPAP Auto CPAP Pressure: 15-25 CPAP Software: OSCAR
I also use the Airfit P10, and Ihave a lot of problems with leaks, and a good part of the problem is the high pressures that I need. You can find the pressures you are using from the OSCAR data, and it's also available from the display on the machine. As TonyVivaldi52 mntioned, leaks through the mouth are highly common, and a chin strap is a good solution. For a chin strap you can buy commercial models, or you can just make your own from some stout elastic available at fabric stores. The cin strap is an inexpensive experiment, so if it doesn't work you're not out a lot.
Machine: Aircurve 10 ASV Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: F&P Evora Humidifier: Built In CPAP Pressure: Auto-CPAP CPAP Software: ResScan
Res Med website says that the P10 is only pressure-rated for 12, I tried it at 15 and got a bit of leakage.
Some are having success under higher pressure, I would think it would come down to the shape of your face
and how tight you are wearing it.