(04-19-2021, 03:01 PM)becker44a Wrote: Hi bjorn,
I would be most interested in a product that can use rsync. I run Linux Mint 19.3, so rsync is present in my commands, and I'm not afraid of a little scripting.
By the way, what is the Brand & Model of the other WiFi card you are purchasing?
Hi becker44a,
The big problem is most of theses cards run on Nucleus RTOS and i really know nothing about it, and not really interest on it but most connected things use it and don't have SPI access. So the only way to do something interessting is to open card and play with it. Most of them have proprietary hardware and lot's of clone too.
Transcend seem to be the best one but end of product. It was running linux and you can run script at boot from file on the sd card accessible from your computer. So you can have ssh acces easy. Install a full busybox version, etc...
FlashAir are RTOS too but you can run LUA script, and you have some command api. But out of product too, you can find it on ebay for the cheapy price of 1billon usd the 16gb version xd.
I have ordered another one EzShare to make more investigation on it, have to make some tricks on the hardware and maybe find a way to update the firmware from a magic filename.
But the problem will stay the same, it's a lottery, because you always buy clone of clone of clone of clone of original
In the same time after regretting my order (shipping delay are crazy and found the red card with embeded memory seem to have spi access) I started a project based on new hardware with long time aviability and full documented. And of course based on LINUX. I think to use Openwrt. I have to take few decision on some feature and conception possibilties.
I hesitated a lot on the memory solution, embed or microSD.
the main problem is the space. But I start to be on the good way, this one is with a microSD adapter.