First of all, you need Windows 10. Everybody should have that these days, but you need it, because Windows 10 now supports linux command line. You'll need a microSD card as well. The ezshare doesn't come with one even though the product description makes it sound like it does. It can be a small cheap one because the data is small and you'll be downloading it regularly so overwriting data isn't a concern.
I'm going to do high level instructions, because some steps you might need to google for detailed instructions if you're unfamiliar. Nothing in here is super difficult though.
1) Buy an ezshare card. I got mine from Walmart [Commercial Link Removed]. I can't link it because i'm a forum noob, but I'll put it in a separate post once I get over the post theshold. There are many version and knockoffs of these types of card, and even though you'd be getting it from Walmart or Amazon they're sold by third party sellers so there's no gaurantee you'll get the exact same model, or that it won't change at some point after I write this. Case in point: the one I bought had a picture of a red card, but the one I received was white, like Biorn described in his post. So ymmv if you don't get the same one.
2) Install Windows Subsystem for Linux
3) Install the Ubuntu OS module from the Microsoft Store (it's free)
4) Set yourself a username/password when you first start up Ubuntu
5) copy the shell script from the original post in this thread to this directory in windows file explorer:
C:\Users\[windows username]\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\rootfs\home\[ubuntu username]
6) Connect your wifi to the ezshare hotspot (I'm not sure if there's a way to just join the ezshare to a wifi router, I think you have to connect to it directly, but I'm looking into that next)
7) Inside Ubuntu, run these commands
chmod +x (this marks the shell script as executable, you only need to do this once)
sudo bash (this executes the script. Sudo is the linux equivalent to "run as administrator", and it will prompt you for your password when you do it)
Type your password
8) The script will now run and download all your data off the card into this directory:
Note the user directory changed here, that's because Biorn's script is set to his own username. You could probably do a find/replace in notepad to swap that to your own username without it breaking anything.
9) You'll probably need to copy the data out of the folder and put it somewhere else on your PC, because Oscar doesn't seem to want to open anythign inside the Appdata directory, since it's a hidden system directory.
notes: I'm still working on further automating this. Step one was getting it running. That was very straightforward thanks to Windows Subsystem for Linux and the brilliant scripting by Biorn. This is a very nice script that does some nice things like avoid downloading duplicate files. First run was about 8 minutes to pull all the data off my card. Second run was 12 seconds and it downloaded 0 new files. So I would assume running this daily will probably take 15-20 seconds total runtime.
What I'll do from here is set up a windows task to open ubuntu bash shell, set ubuntu to run this command automatically on start, and then close down again. Or something along those lines. I'm not just going to leave it running constantly so a crontab can run on it because I almost never use WSL at home. I just wanted this to be something I could schedule to run daily, or kick off on demand by running a batch file or something.
The other alternative is to re-write this script in batch using wget for windows. That's the cleaner nicer approach compared by my rube golderberg-esque process listed above. But my way works and it was within my means to do in a couple hours on a saturday afternoon.
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