(02-17-2018, 07:52 PM)JoLyn Wrote: I am not going to keep doing this forever and ever!! This Sleepyhead is my falling asleep around 2 pm then waking about 3:30. It shows events in the beginning and the end. But the Flow Rate graph shows black lines all through the middle. I'm wondering if I was getting good sleep during that time or what? Also, what is good AHI?
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I'm no good at interpreting SH graphs, there are many experts here that are.
<5 AHI is what you want to aim for.
Here's how the math works: add up all the apneas and hyponeas, then divide by the number of hours. For example, if you have 40 events over an 8 hr night, that's 40/8 = 5 AHI, or 5 events per hour.
In this recording, you had almost 10 events per hour. But you only had about 1.6 hrs of sleep during that period, so that's 16 total events over that 1.6 hrs.
Part of what might be happening with your numbers - it is common for the CPAP to record events that aren't really events, and it usually happens in that gray area while you transition from awake to asleep, and again when you transition from asleep to awake. Normally, those numbers get diluted because of the hours of sleep in between. Because you have such short sleep periods, it may be that your AHI is a little deceiving. I see there is a cluster of events within about a 10-15 minute period. If you had and extra couple hours of sleep, they wouldn't mean much, but they are magnified because you have a short sleep period.
The best thing now might be to relax and keep using the CPAP to get used to it.
I don't know much about RLS, but I understand it can be a real problem. It sure seems that way here.