I used it last night and it felt like I have to breath extra hard out my nose to avoid being suffocated, breathing out was straining and made it hard to get to sleep...is this normal?
I woke up this morning and I didnt feel like "10 years younger a clouds been lifted" but I guess... I did actually wake up after 8 hours and didnt sleep 14 hours...and don't feel AS tired as usual...so I guess thats a good thing. Kinda dissapointed it wasn't more night and day as I'd read other peoples experiences were like waking up from a living nightmare. Can I expect this to improve?
Lastly- my machine isn't showing me any data. I don't see my AHI or Apnea events or anything. Where is this located? did the manufacturer disable it?
Side Rant: The ability to spy on you and disable features on your machine is super f*cked by these companies and I have no idea why it isnt a hippa violation.