I got a Redmed Airsense 10 Autoset back in 2016 by my doctor. Long story short, I was never able to get used to it (severe claustrophobia) and it has been sitting in my closet since. By the way, my Apnea was so minor I barely qualified -my pressure was 4. Move to present time-My husband of 7 yrs has undiagnosed Apnea, and believe me there is NO question he has it. In the last year as he gained more weight it has become so severe I am honestly worried every night he wont make it till morning. Almost every night he has multiple episodes where he is not breathing but his chest will start heaving up and down trying to get a breath that can last upward to 20 or more seconds sometimes and it wakes me up from my sleep and I shake him, at which he starts to breath taking deep breaths. He wakes up multiple times a night and makes sounds. Most nights he ends up moving to the recliner to sleep. Like I said it is getting worse. I cant imagine anyone having Apnea worse than him.
Problem is I got laid off because of Covid and he has no insurance so there is no way we can afford any kind of sleep study. So at this point I figured until we can get him into a doctor I am putting him on my unused machine. This is not a permanent solution but I sincerely believe it is better than not doing anything. Hopefully we will be able to get him to see a doctor and also a sleep study by the end of the year. I read a bunch from forum and I got the manual. I set up the pressures on recommendations read here and in manual. He has used it 3 night now. I downloaded the data and attached the reports. I dont understand any of it though! But right now I am just trying to get it to work because he is a stubborn "mans-man", ex football player that things he is invincible with hard-head and impatient and if we cant figure out quickly how to get the "kinks" worked out I have no doubt he will not keep using it.
Right now the biggest issue is finding the right mask. The one he is using is a nasal mask that was provided to me. I am 5', 5" female with normal size face. He is a 6' 5" man who is built like a linebacker and weighs apx 350 with a head the size of a gorilla! I love my man but he is a very big dude! He is a very active sleeper and prefers sleeping on his side with pillow under his arm. He has already said there is no way he can handle a full face mask, but he did put mine on to see how it felt but since it wasnt even big enough to cover his nose and mouth not even a consideration (think of the memes where you see a face squashed into a glass jar!). The nasal actually works but his nose fills up the entire thing with his nostrils very close to the bottom. The problem is he has so much.....hmmm, not a polite way to say this....fat on his face that when he lays on his side it pushes the nasal up and sideways so it leaks. I am not sure if this can be solved by a bigger nasal mask?
So, my fist question is this: is there any company or place where I can purchase just ONE EACH of several different styles and sizes of mask to try? My money recourses is VERY limited so I cant afford to buy large quantities of mask just to find out they wont work. And if we find one that works, will they sell them to you without a prescription? We are not trying to bypass any doctors or self-meditate or anything else crazy like that. I have a particular heart condition that requires me to go to the doctor on a regular basis so I am very pro-physician. But I go under a special insurance program that I quality for and he doesnt. I really feel though like keeping him off a CPAP machine any longer is a life or death thing.
Second, question: If anyone can interpret these reports that would be great. I understand you are not a doctor, that he needs a sleep study to be properly diagnosed, and everything we are doing is not the recommended way of starting therapy. I just dont understand all the numbers. I am actually not even entirely sure I have the machine set up right...dont understand the ERP thing.
Any and all advice, comments, is welcomed! Since I can only attach 3 attachments and it looks like screenshots is preferred I only am sending day 1 data. I have day 2 and 3 and stats also.