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Going w/o CPAP
Going w/o CPAP
I do that from time to time. Maybe 2-3 times a month. Sometimes less. I had to make a visit to our local ER yesterday. 

I have issues with my esophagus at times, as in not being able to swallow. Food can and does get lodged at times, and it takes a visit to an ER to clear it. 

Anyways, after waiting close to almost 7 hrs., for what can take as little as an actual 3 min. procedure, I was good to go......once again. 

Once home, I was able to eat and drink again. Last night, I just wasn't in the mood to gear up for bed. I chose for forgo my SA Therapy. 

I did think to ask my wife how badly I snored, if at all. She told me that I don't snore nearly as badly or as loud as I used to. She went on to say that in my early stages of sleep, I snored a bit, but too bad. Once I was in my deep sleep, she said that I was pretty quiet. 

So......my SA Therapy is improving my snoring. That in and of itself, is worth the price of admission.  Cool
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RE: Going w/o CPAP
My wife noticed the same. If I don't use the CPAP machine for two or three days in a row, my snoring is practically non-existent. After that, it is back to normal. I am not certain as to why...
"Life is dream, awakening is death..."
- Chinese proverb
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