Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
Greetings ...I hope you are doing well.
I have a query and hopefully I can get some inputs here.
In the night I wake up gasping for breath and within 30 secs or so go back to sleep and this happens only once in the night and this happens in the first 2 hours of sleeping.
Last night my wife told me that I woke up screaming "I need your support" and then she put me back to sleep but I have no memory of it and I woke up fresh.
This doesnt happen every night and happens sporadically.(maybe once every 3-4 nights)
In the morning I dont wake up with a headache and nor do I feel sleepy all through the day.
I went to a doctor and he has given me an anti anxiety - anti depressant medication to be taken. I am also taking an antacid 30 minutes before dinner.
I am also taking B12/Vitamin D3/Amino Acid multivitamin.
I am not sure if this is sleep apnea or nocturnal anxiety or GERD or hypnic jerk.
I am a 44 year old male and I am 5'11 and 88 kgs and my BMI is 26.9 so its in overweight category.
Non smoker and non drinker. No blood pressure issues and no diabetes.
Much of my excess weight is on my mid section with a double chin. I am essentially in the skinny fat category.
Please provide your inputs. I am really confused and in a dilemma.
RE: Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
(10-17-2024, 04:09 AM)EastWeekender Wrote: I am not sure if this is sleep apnea or nocturnal anxiety or GERD or hypnic jerk.
The only sure way to know if you suffer with sleep apnea is to schedule an overnight sleep study in a hospital or clinic.
If money is an issue, talk to your doctor and he should be able to set you up with an overnight home study.
Your symptoms do suggest sleep apnea, but we have no way of diagnosing that. Get your sleep study done, then you'll know for sure.
RE: Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
Hi OpalRose.
Thank you so much for your response, I really appreciate it.
Isn't headache on waking up a prominent symptom of sleep apnea ? I don't have that.
Isn't daytime fatigue and tiredness a prominent symptom of sleep apnea ? I don't that too.
If I do wakeup gasping for breath then I do it only once that also in the first couple of hours of sleeping.
I agree that a sleep study is only definitive way to diagnose however I wonder if this can be GERD or anxiety.
RE: Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
Waking and gasping for air may or may not point to sleep apnea. Not everyone experiences the same symptoms.
Has your doctor recommended a sleep study? If not, discuss your symptoms with him/her.
Your doctor can diagnose Gerd and anxiety and treat you if needed. Gerd can certainly aggregate untreated apnea or vice versa.
RE: Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
Thank you for your response again.
I did speak to the doctor, and he has recommended a sleep study which is called 'Sleep Study (PSG) Split Night'.
RE: Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
I think you should schedule it and this way you'll know one way or the other.
GERD can be dealt with by changing lifestyle habits. Like sleeping on your left side if able. Not eating or drinking a few hours before bed, etc.
RE: Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
Thanks OpalRose.
I dont sleep on my back but on my left side .... its just a habit. Do you think this will affect my sleep study ?
Also when I sleep I breathe through my mouth. Do you think this will affect my sleep study ?
RE: Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
They will probably fit you with a full face mask for a study. With a full face mask, mouth breathing won't affect therapy, but can cause mouth dryness and discomfort.
Sleeping on your side will probably give you good results, but they sometimes want you to sleep in all positions during the study to see what position triggers apnea.
RE: Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
My experience with sleep studies is that it can be quite difficult to sleep on your side because you’ll have about 30 wires on you.
After you take the sleep study, you can report the results here. Blank out private info first!
A sleep study will determine whether you have apnea. It won’t determine whether you cough because of mouth drop, allergies, a polyp in your throat, or eating yogurt before bed. Of course, you could have these other conditions as well as apnea, but if the sleep study says you have apnea, you have apnea.
RE: Greetings From India - Is it Sleep Apnea or GERD or Anxiety ?
My sleep study is scheduled for 25th October 2024 and already I am having tremendous anxiety about it.
The sleep study that is recommended is split night which is for the first 200 minutes there will be only wires and electrodes on me and if any obstruction is observed then the sleep technician will wake me up and put on a mask for the titration.
I am not sure how I will manage to sleep with a mask. I wanted to if there is any risk as I am a mouth breather so the mask that will be put on (if at all required) will be covering my mouth and nose.
Is it risky or dangerous ?