Back in civilization, I was appalled that HDM wants north of $500 to repair the Z1. Uh, no thanks. I'd just buy a new unit at that price. So what else is there to do but repair it myself. I see other threads where people have the same frustration as me so here is a record of the repair. It took me about an hour to complete but it probably isn't considered an easy beginner job. There are also some specialized tools that you will need such as a Dremel tool with a tiny cutoff wheel, a high quality soldering iron capable of working on really tiny things (A Walmart special will probably cause more damage that it fixes), and some very fine wire. I used 22Ga wire, but I think I would have been happier with 24 or 26Ga.
So here goes:
Step 1:
Remove the filter cap and turn the unit over onto its front. You will see 5 small Phillips screws. Remove all 5. Note that there are three long and two short. The long ones go in the top three holes and the shorter ones go in the bottom two holes. don't mix them up.
Step 2:
Slide the clear intake tube out and separate the two halves of the shell. The silicone port where your hose adaptor plugs in will have to be pushed through the back shell. Just flex the edge and push it through. Do not pull the halves apart forcefully. The back shell must release the tube to separate them. You can see the ridge/groove in this picture where it snaps into the shell. just flex it and push it through.
Step 3:
Remove the 4 small screws holding the blower and electronics in place. You should be able to just lift it out of the shell.
(continued below)