I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea. Strangely it started with my new dentist. At my recent checkup (first appointment with him) he said that I am a "clencher" and asked if I have sleap apnea. I told him I do have sleep problems so it wouldn't surprise me. He said the clenching was a sign of apnea. So I asked my family doctor about it and he referred me to Respiratory Homecare Solutions. They sent me home with a machine and then called me back a few days later. I guess I stop breathing 17.5 times an hour.
It's not really a surprise when I look back at the last few months. I have been getting progressively more irritable and fatigued with random little bursts of dizziness and a strange headache sensation.
So now I have this loaner ResMed S9. I tried the nasal pillows but I couldn't exhale properly so I'd wake up not long after I fell asleep and take it off. They've upgraded me to a full face mask and that seems to last me a bit longer, but I seem to be getting stuffed up sinuses. Not sure if it's the air, humidifier or allergies.
I've talked to a couple different people at Respiratory Homecare Solutions but they don't seem like they are actually doctors or anything. So I'm trying to get as much info from here as I can.
I am slowly perusing the forums figuring things out. I downloaded the 2 software packages and I'll pick up an SD card in the next couple days so I can track my sleeping more effectively. Any other tips would be greatly appreciated, in case I miss it in the forums, or maybe just need a reminder