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Help with Resmed 11/Wellue O2 time sync
Help with Resmed 11/Wellue O2 time sync
I have reviewed many threads about Resmed drift, but want to confirm my understanding of how best to address my situation. I have a Resmed Airsense 11 and have recently started using the Wellue SleepU oximeter. I am having problems syncing the two.

Prior to the DST time change, my Resmed Airsense 11 was 40 minutes "slow"; after, it was 40 min. "fast". The first 'fix' I learned of was to manually change the time in the Vihealth filename; that works, but is tedious. I tried a 're-set' of the Resmed (unplug/plug); that reduced the time error to 20 min. ahead. My DME (Apria) was no help, not going to contact Resmed or do anything. They did have me do another reset - no change. Unit is definitely connected; the Apria RT could see (and scold me for) my changing settings.

My understanding of the CPAP Drift correction option is that it is both global and retrospective; i.e., setting any value will apply that value to ALL of my data. No way to accommodate the 20 vs. 40, or the 'corrected' days.

I have seen a lot about 'fixing' changing time zone, but it's not technically the wrong zone. Would 'cycling' time zone (changing it/then changing back) possibly correct the error? Since I have everything on the SD card, it shouldn't hurt to "delete all files" on the machine, right? The Apria RT had no idea; was afraid to try, or recommend me to do so.

I'm not really concerned that the time be 'right', I would just like to avoid having to daily correct the oximeter file.

Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
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