Wondering if someone could take a look at my attached OSCAR charts and provide some insight as to why I am waking every 3 to 4 hours each night.
Recently changed from CPAP to BLCPAP. Sleeping much better w/ a PS of 4, feel more rested and alert during the day. And not waking as often .... but still waking once or twice a night, generally every 3 to 4 hours.
My sleep hygiene is good. No electronics for 2 hours before bed, good room temp etc. No trouble falling asleep initially or after waking. Every once in awhile I will have a 5 to 6 hour sleep period and I wake feeling fantastic. But those nights are very rare. Don't think I have seen more than 6 hours straight in about 10 years.
Any ideas? My numbers are great. AHI generally between 0 and .6 most evenings. I do see some junk on my flow chart shortly before awakening but they have been there since starting therapy (and using OSCAR) and a wider pressure range g. PS 4 over 6.8 to 14 didn't seem to made any noticeable difference. I have noticed if my pressure varies too much I wake more often and also have more OAs ....my body tends to respond better to a fixed pressure though I am open to going back to auto mode if it will help me get longer uninterrupted sleep.