That being said, I feel much worse on nights when using CPAP vs nights when I don't. More tired, foggy, more anxious. It seems to me that treatment itself is fine (AHI below 3), but I am waking up a to, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of using the CPAP, which is to get restful sleep. I am ripping the mask off (some nights knowingly, some nights unknowingly). I also have a deviated septum if that is useful.
After looking at data over a few days, it's clear that leaks are causing some awakenings, but it is also clear that that is not the only thing. I would really appreciate some help.
For some context, I wear nasal pillows. Last night, I also tried a cervical collar because I definitely chin-tuck. Because I utilized a collar, I lowered the pressure to a fixed 11 with EPR 3.
Here are my screenshots from last night. Really appreciate it because I am starting to think of throwing it out.