I am ordering an ASV machine today.
Hello Sleeprider, thank you for your extensive feedback.
I made the screenshot of last night's use.
I am ordering an ASV machine, the Resmed Aircurve 10 ASV. They are out of order everywhere, but I found one in the USA.
Numbers are better for last night, we had a few of these days in the last month too, but still not good enough, so I ordered the ASV ; )
I am so gratefull for this forum and the help I am getting here.
(Our lungspecialist just doesn't have the time for each patient, especially in covid times and for 'old' people.
I told her 4 weeks ago, about the readings I found in Oscar, the still very high AHI and the CSR, and that I read that a bipap might help better, she answered, nono that's too expensive.
I said Stanlee still doesn't feel good at all with the APAP, she answered ,well yes, but it is better than before. So I thought, I will study some more myself then ; ))