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Is 87.5% considered too much for large leaks?
RE: Is 87.5% considered too much for large leaks?
(07-14-2016, 10:01 PM)srlevine1 Wrote: I came across an unpublicized self-funded effort to laser-image your face and then use a 3-D printer to prepare a flexible plastic interface to maximize comfort and minimize leakage. They were experimenting with iPhone face capture software along with some other tech tricks. It seems that one of the problems they were encountering was the slippage of strapping on hair. Haven't heard of any similar efforts -- but someone out there must be working on the issue.

Interesting, I was thinking of some form of a memory foam silicone combination that would be air tight, and conform your resting face shape but would deform as you move your face muscles etc. Sadly the picture that came to mind as I was trying to envision it was a stingray about 5 or 6 inches tall with the tail being the air hose. It would need to have extreme heat conductivity so it would assume the temperature of the skin it was touching, so it did feel hot or suffocating. I see it laying flat against the face with protuberances into the nostrils and mouth. As your face changes shape it would follow the shape change to remain fully in contact. If it could be designed to have a gazillion tiny little suction cups it could possibly work without straps. I see the suction cups operating by a suction pump when is driven by the air being inhaled and exhaled. Sort of an in line turbine to run the pump to keep the mask sucking up tight onto your face.

Edit: Oh, the entire thing would be less than an 1/8" to 1/4" thick.

When I described it to my wife her first thought that was an alien implanting an egg in you when it is clasping to your face - Smile
I am not a Medical professional and I don't play one on the internet.
Started CPAP Therapy April 5, 2016
I'd Rather Be Sleeping
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RE: Is 87.5% considered too much for large leaks?
(07-14-2016, 06:03 AM)FrankNichols Wrote: I can play a freaking symphony with it by twitching an eyebrow, moving my lips side to side or puckering them, opening my mouth, closing my mouth, scrunching up my nose, opening and/or closing an eye or both, tensing or relaxing a jaw muscle - with each producing it own unique tone.

I'd very much like to see a Youtube video of that! Too-funny

Have you tried a "CPAP Seal" (Google it)? I have one but only tried it one night. It seemed like it should help, but I was too tired to adjust it and make it work. Sure is sticky!

Maybe what we need is an Octopus Mask!
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