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I've recently had some notable hoarseness and throat pain develop over the last several days. I've been wearing my each night and I'm not sure what's going on. Last night I turned the humidity up (from 3 to 4, Dreamstation 2) but it's quite humid where I live, and regardless it didn't seem to help. Does anyone have any ideas? I've attached OSCAR for last two nights (last night I forgot to put the SD card back in). I'm not too familiar with interpreting these - is the tidal flow concerning at any point?
I woke up last night with burning, painful sensation in throat and lungs - kind of scary. Tried to fall back asleep but took off mask and fell back asleep. Sensations have somewhat persisted all day today. I've been using CPAP since January so this is not due to achiness from just starting out (which I never had). Any advice is appreciated.
If this persists, I would consult your doctor.
As for immediate relief, I suggest one of those sore throat lozenges if it does not conflict with any of your medications or supplements.
As a matter of practice, I suggest a thorough cleaning of your device, hose, mask, and the replacement of the filter.
Also -- did you try a home COVID-19 test?
"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
I made it to 53 years old before needing CPAP. I've also never dealt with GERD or stomach issues. As soon as I started CPAP therapy I developed terrible LPR (Laryngopharyngeal Reflux) otherwise known as silent reflux and has mainly throat symptoms. Mine also swells up my sinuses.
I deal with constant hoarseness and a sore throat and wake up with a odd metallic (acid fumes cause this) taste each morning. I think the CPAP is causing my LES to open while I sleep and draws acid fumes up into my throat. Need endoscopy's on a regular basis now to monitor for cancer.
I'm considering stopping CPAP due to this (been using for about 18 months now).
Something to consider but I hope this isn't what you're dealing with as it is no fun at all.
Thanks for the info - I hope it is not the reflux you describe but will keep an eye out. Also thanks srlevine for responses.
My pulmonologist told me to discontinue CPAP until symptoms settle down, but there hasn't been much change. I started CPAP again yesterday without noticeable change today...so perhaps CPAP is not the culprit but it's very bizarre. I tested for COVID and am not otherwise ill. No idea what might be causing this.