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How low can you go?
RE: How low can you go?
(02-28-2014, 01:27 AM)PaulaO2 Wrote: Yeah, what they said. The AHI is just part of the picture. How you feel is a bigger part.

If you had high blood pressure, your doctor would say "Take this medication and keep your blood pressure under 110 over 80". And that's your goal, to keep it under that. The doctor would not say "And keep your blood pressure as close to 100 over 72" because that's just silly. Sure, you can try and you can probably reach that goal but is it worth it? Probably not.

Keep the AHI under 5 and make sure you are getting good sleep. Get those two and you're good.

If you want to tweak with settings and the like to get it lower, go for it. But not if it means tightening the mask like that. That goes against the "getting good sleep" part.

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RE: How low can you go?
By all means, watching both the 'leak rate', and the 'AHI' are good things to do. Some folks almost treat it like a game, or s something to 'win', or 'beat'. And that's fine, but not at the expense of good sleep. It *is* a dance. many of us have felt the need to add a reporting Oximeter to our toolset, not to necessarily use every night, but to also keep an eye on our O2 levels while we are sleeping.
*I* am not a DOCTOR or any type of Health Care Professional.  My thoughts/suggestions/ideas are strictly only my opinions.

"Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you. Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your Soul, the other for your Freedom."
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