How to cahnage and save settings on Dreamstation
Please do me a favor.
I've had my Dreamstation Auto CPAO for 8 days now. Before that I've had a Remstar Auto System One 60.
On the Remstar System One I have by my self made a change of minimum pressure from 4,0 to 5,5.
For the last week I've tried every day to change the settings but when I start up next evening I am back on 4,0.
What do I wrong?
Thanx in advance for your help.
RE: How to cahnage and save settings on Dreamstation
If you click on the 'CPAP Setup Manuals' menu item in the black bar at the top, you will find instructions both for accessing the Clinician's Menu and for requesting a Clinicians' Manual.
The two of them should get you going again.
RE: How to change and save settings on Dreamstation
Hi pholonyk, and happy new year,
Thanks for answering me nearly a month ago.
Sorry I have not had the time for answering you.
A am sorry, but I still do not manged to save the setting when I try to raise my start pressure from 4,0 to 5,5.
When I change the pressure it is only for my comming sleep it will work.
I will be happy if anyone have a working solution for me.
Thanx in advance.
Best regards