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(05-31-2020, 08:50 PM)slowriter Wrote: Your FL numbers and graph suggest you have very little problem with breathing restriction on your current machine and settings.
Do you have any idea why I would be waking up all the time no matter what settings I use? I’ve always felt like my settings are wrong, but now I’m starting to think it could be due to expiratory palatal obstructions.
This forum post has screenshots of graphs showing the same “oscillating” shape on the pressure graph as well as the same repeating periods of apnea and breathing. I can definitely feel a blockage in my throat when I’m using the cpap and can often feel tissue flopping around in the back of my throat throughout the day, so I’m starting to think that might be my issue.
After reading through that post, I think it might help to set trigger to Very High to help with shallow breaths. They use a much higher pressure support setting that I’d be worried about using because of centrals, but then how am I supposed to overcome the expiratory palatal obstructions if that is the problem?
(06-02-2020, 01:29 PM)sheepless Wrote: search for member username yrnkrn. I believe he concluded no pap settings will resolve palatal collapse or prolapse (not sure of correct term).
Ugh that’s unfortunate. I wouldn’t be surprised, as it’s been about 15 months I’ve been trying to use a machine and still haven’t been able to get more than a few hours of sleep.
I’ve sent him a message. Hopefully he’s found another solution. Surgery seems to be the only solution the more I read. An adjustable bed with a steep incline has somewhat helped me feel more rested in the morning... I’ll have to try the machine tonight with the trigger set to Very High to see if it actually helps.
06-02-2020, 03:16 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2020, 03:27 PM by Etirpsakdov.)
RE: Can’t treat my UARS — need suggestions
Here is a screenshot of what appears to be 5 shallow breaths that was classified as a central apnea. I'm hoping that by setting trigger to Very High it will help fix this issue... but what causes the pressure chart to look like it's oscillating when I'm not breathing? I'm assuming it's the vibrating of what I assume to be my palate or other tissues in my airway?
Machine: ResMed Airsense 10 Autoset Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: ResMed F30 Humidifier: Built in CPAP Pressure: 10-14 CPAP Software: ResScan
Other Software
If you are referring to what looks like little ripples during your apnea, it's ResMeds "Forced Oscillation Technique" (FOT). It helps the machine determine if the apnea is obstructive or central (clear airway).