When I received my machine / supplies, we went to the DME supplier to pick it all up. Everything appeared to be new / unused. That was last early September.
The complete mask and hose was sealed in it's original ResMed factory packaging. The machine itself was in a carry case and included all written material.
Again, it all appeared to be new. The protective clear plastic was still on the screen and the round dial of the machine.
it wasn't until about 10 days of use that I found this forum. Once here, I learned about DME suppliers and some of their shady practices.
I did go into the clinician menu and check the total run hours on my machine. It was 52 hours more than I could account for at the time.
I didn't call the DME supplier and make a big deal out of it. A member on here explained it away to my satisfaction.
Anyways, since becoming a member of this fine forum, I'm much more enlightened when it comes to treatment and SA equipment.
Down the road, when I'm due a new machine, I'll know what to ask and what to look for.