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Help with optimizing BiPap settings, trouble falling asleep - switched from CPAP
Hi, my sleep doc diagnosed me with UARS and prescribed a BiPap (per my request over previous CPAP). I'd really appreciate help with optimizing this, as I've been waking up with numb left hand over the last few months and it's possible sleep disturbance and tensing muscle at night may be contributing factor.
I have noticed two main issues:
1. Trouble falling asleep with the machine - I "linger" in the falling asleep phase then jerk back awake. Sometimes this is accompanied by central apneas (according to BiPap). This happens repeatedly and results in losing a lot of sleep. Not an issue without the machine
2. Central Apnea clusters, especially later in night. Attaching two example charts - the 40 minute one is just example of the "problem falling asleep." Longer one is a full night.
My settings are:
Min EPAP: 4.60
Max IPAP: 9.00
PS: 3.4 (reduced this recently from 4.0)
Ti Maax: 2.0s
Ti Min: 0.3s
Trigger: High
Cycle: Med
Mask: Nasal
Humidity: 4
Let me know if I can provide any additional info. Really need help on this, thanks.
RE: Help with optimizing BiPap settings, trouble falling asleep - switched from CPAP
Bumping - any guidance would be really appreciated. Had another very bad central apnea night (attached). Feels like I haven't had a good sleep in years and CPAP/bipap is just flushing money down the toilet
RE: Help with optimizing BiPap settings, trouble falling asleep - switched from CPAP
Welcome to the forum.
That chart is less than an hour and most, if not all, of your centrals occurred while awake meaning they're likely the result of breath holding while you tossed trying to settle down.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
RE: Help with optimizing BiPap settings, trouble falling asleep - switched from CPAP
Thanks Gideon. Attached are 2 full nights. Really interested in any ways I could cut down on Central Apneas....some of these clusters have me taking 0 or 1 breaths for over a minute.